Jayasri Sridhar
Short Documentary
"Maraluva Daari [Path of Return]" is a captivating 24-minute narrative documentary presented in Kannada, weaving together the modern urban landscape of the Anthropocene with the timeless wisdom of mythological characters. At its core, the film is the culmination of a design project that explores the profound potential of language, narratives, and storytelling to challenge entrenched notions of human superiority and exceptionalism. Through a more-than-human approach, "Maraluva Daari" ventures into a realm where the voices of myth and modernity converge, inviting viewers on a thought-provoking journey of self-reflection and environmental consciousness.
Drawing from a rich tapestry of field research, conscious observation, design, and filmmaking techniques, the documentary serves as a poignant reflection on the power of storytelling in addressing pressing global environmental issues. It boldly ventures into the realm of world-making and world-changing through the medium of moving images, embracing vernacular tales and their reinterpretations to illuminate regional perspectives and local ecological contexts. In doing so, "Maraluva Daari" emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a pathway towards decolonizing the discourse surrounding the Anthropocene and fostering a deeper connection with our shared natural heritage.